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周雷 《天津教育》2021,(8):175-176
语文是一门充满人文情怀的学科,如何提升学生对于语文学习的兴趣,理解文字背后的意义是当下语文任课教师应当思考的重要问题。本文立足于高中语文教学的真实情况,从“支架构建的理论内涵”“支架教学模式在课程实践中的运用”两方面出发,对于如何促进教育教学中学习支架的构建进行分析与探究。  相似文献   
张鹏清 《天津教育》2021,(9):164-166
语言,是人与人交流沟通的主要渠道之一,也是传递知识的主要工具之一。在新课改的背景下,作为数学教师,要时刻注意自身的言行举止,主动参与到培训深造中,来提高自身的语言技能。这样才能保障教学工作的有序开展,提高教学效率与质量。  相似文献   
Using nine Demographic and Health Surveys for the three West African countries affected by the 2013−16 Ebola epidemic, this study applies a district-level interrupted time series (ITS) design to explore the longer-term impacts of the epidemic on school attendance. It shows that, about three to four years after the crisis, attendance has returned to the long-term trend regardless of the difference in Ebola virus disease prevalence among districts. The study also shows no discernable effect on the attendance trends for children from vulnerable backgrounds. However, it suggests further areas for examination and study. This includes migration patterns, the investment of emergency relief and overseas development aid between regions, the possible role of orphan status and early marriage (for girls) as vectors for the effect of the EVD crisis on educational outcomes and learnings losses for children who were out of school for up to an entire school year.  相似文献   
The practice of informal fostering is prevalent in many developing regions of the world. Our paper investigates the effects of this practice on school attendance in Jamaica using a rotating panel data set of children constructed from the 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 rounds of the Jamaican Survey of Living Conditions. Using panel data allows us to deal more effectively with the problem of endogeneity by being able to control for household and child fixed effects. Our findings indicate that the effect of fostering on school attendance depends on whether the household is a beneficiary of PATH, a conditional cash transfer programme instituted by the Government of Jamaica in 2001. We find that a foster child that lives within a non-PATH household is associated with being less likely to be absent from school than a foster child who lives in a household that benefits from PATH. This is true especially for foster girls. Although the PATH programme generally appears to be linked to the improvement in school attendance of Jamaican children, the benefits of the programme may be skewed towards biological children.  相似文献   
通过对参加遵义市小学骨干教师培训的573名教师进行问卷调查,对部分教师进行访谈,根据调查数据的结果,提出重视骨干教师的城乡差异、加强学校与教师有效的沟通、建立教师参与学校管理的和谐校园、加强对任教低于五年的骨干教师的培训与引导等对策.  相似文献   
“互联网+教育”是推动教育变革的有效手段之一,通过互联网可促进优质教育资源均衡发展,有利于实现区域基础教育的均衡发展,但这要求中小学校长要具备较高的信息素养和综合应用信息技术进行学校管理的能力。开展相关培训是提升中小学校长信息素养的一种有效方式,基于对“三区三州”中小学校长信息素养的调查分析,通过基于设计的研究活动,开展云南怒江州、四川凉山州中小学校长信息素养提升研究。遵循可适性、设计性、调节性和总结性原则,构建了中小校长信息素养提升模式整体架构,以期为今后的中小学校长信息素养提升培训提供参考,助力区域教育信息化均衡发展。  相似文献   
榕江国立贵州师范学校办学10年,为贵州、湖南和广西三省区毗连地带培养了一批德才兼备的民族人才,在民族教育上谱写了新的历史篇章。对此评说,以启示后续民族教育,让更多的民族人才脱颖而出。  相似文献   
《学校问题研讨》是宁波大学新开设的一门教师教育类课程。学校问题的提出可以来自于师范生在教育实习过程中的观察和思考、教育研究的热点和教师的科研;在问题的解决中需要采用多种研讨方式以保证良好的研讨效果;在对问题研讨的评价上应采用操作性较强、较具体的标准以确保评价的客观性。在对该课程的教学策略进行分析的基础上,指出了该课程有效教学在教师培养中的作用,以期对教师教育课程改革有所启示。  相似文献   
成功的管理是学校存在和发展的必要条件。该文首先从理论层面阐述了学校知识管理的基础,接着从实践层面重点剖析了如何在学校开展成功的知识管理实践步骤,主要从学校管理者自身的转变、学校管理工作的重构、教师个人知识管理和学校整体知识管理、学校知识管理开展的制度化保证等方面进行阐释。  相似文献   
英语中的被动意义一般是由谓语动词的被动语态来表示的。但除此之外 ,谓语的被动意义也可以由主动形式的词汇来表示 ,比如由动词及动词短语、名词、介词短语的主动形式来表示  相似文献   
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